Awaken to Your Majesty

Awaken to your Majesty


The beauty of your consciousness is profound. It is eternal, and it is bliss. Now is the time for shifting into higher streams of consciousness. It is time that you awaken to your majesty, which is within each of you. No matter where you are, no matter where you have been, it is time to recognize God/Source/All That Is.

There is a space within you, a quiet space where all answers lie, ready for your retrieval. This place that is within you is filled with God Consciousness, pristine in all its Glory. It is ever ready for you. Get to know this space and you will experience miracles.
God Consciousness is an experience and cannot be described fully in words. Although we can use words, it takes full allowance on your part to experience this in totality. This means letting go of all former ideas and beliefs that have evolved over time in this plane of existence. These beliefs are human societal thoughts that have been spread, adopted and believed for so long that they have formed a kind of density. It is this density that keeps you down and holds you back from awareness of All That Is and Who You Really Are.

You have a Higher Self; everyone does. This Self knows all things because this Self remains connected to All That Is/God. All That Is/God holds all of you steady, patiently awaiting your alignment with this truth that is you. And what is this truth that is you? The truth is that you and God are One. All Is One. All Is bliss. The greatest part of this is that All That Is, is reachable when one allows this to be so for oneself.

Stay the course, and you will find what you have been looking for, always with you, always available to you. Nothing needs to be done, save a fostering of your connection to All That Is/God.
This connection is and always will be. It can never be lost. You have only forgotten All That You Are and All That God Is. And some of you have forgotten that God even Is.
At this time, we are reaching out to all of you. We have been reaching out to you all along. It is just that you have been unable to hear us calling you back into the sanity that God Is, back into the truth that God is only love, joy, peace, grace, bliss, compassion, and the like. We will leave no stone unturned.

And so it is. We shower you with blessings and our love, and we give thanks. Namaste.